Saturday, July 30, 2011

life since morocco

hard to believe that i have been home almost 2 months. some days it feels like i just left and other days it feels like i have been back in the states forever. the Lord has really been at work since i have been home..majorly in the area of trusting Him. i can honestly say this is the one time in my life where i literally have NO clue what my next few months will look like. a few weeks ago i moved into my own place which i love! living alone in africa was such a challenge but i learned to love and really crave the time i got to myself. so when the time came for me to figure out where i was going to live...a place of my own worked out within just a few days. it's still an "organized" mess but it is my mess :) the job hunt has been draining to say the least...full of encouraging days and some days where i just want to give up and cry. but i know that something will come. i've really been having to be still and wait on the Lord which is HARD. i feel like as soon as i think things are moving in one direction and i am starting to figure out what life is going to look like...something on the opposite side pops up and leaves me even more confused. if you are reading this i ask that you would pray that the Lord would make his will clear! that i would be obedient in listening and trusting that He will provide...i know that He will.

i miss my sweet family in africa and am looking for any opportunity to see them again soon! it has been a great time of being back home with family and friends here. i really feel so blessed with the community i am a part of. so thankful for the people who know me and love me well, who challenge me and who are walking this road alongside me!

i was reading this the other day it was super encouraging:
"As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned,' said Jesus, 'but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."--john 9:1-3

i love reading that verse, knowing that the Lord often does things that we DO NOT order to bring Him glory. i do not understand what the Lord is doing in my life right now, i don't know why i don't have a job or when i will even get one, but i do know the last thing He asked me to do and that is all i can follow at this point.

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