Monday, March 7, 2011


i think now is the time when i am asking myself what i am doing...i took some melatonin tonight because i can't really sleep here and i slept for maybe 2 hours before i was woken up by a tiny noise. I had no idea what it was so i turned on my light and didn't see anything so I tried to lay back down thinking that it was just something else and then i heard it again. So i get up and turn on my light again and hear the noise coming from my i look over and two tiny little eyes are looking at me. IT WAS A MOUSE. derr i freaked for half a second and didn't know what to do. It scurried out of my bag and somewhere else in my room but i just grabbed my computer, pillow poo and a blanket and came into the other room. what in the world, how do you get a mouse out of your room? ahh and all i can hear in the streets are dogs barking and growling looking for things to eat.. its okay its okay..


Unknown said...

Did you mean that the mouse "scurried?" Because I think that "scurred" (or "skeered") is what you were being.

Aunt Carolyn said...

Don't know what to tell you on that one...have had a mouse in my kitchen for weeks that is unafraid of 2 cats!! We call it "Ratatouille". I do know that the d-con things that enclose them do not work. Your grandaddy used "sticky boards", but who wants to see the result of that?!?